Podcast Show Notes
Series 4 Episode 2
Guest: Richard Hamlin
In this episode I talk to the incredible Richard Hamlin, Ex Police Officer and owner and Director of Define Leadership Ltd about Safeguarding and vicarious trauma. Amongst his many roles over a long-standing career, Richard was head of crime training for Surrey & Sussex Police, Head of Anti-Corruption and Head of Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub and Head of Economic Crime and Proactive Crime. He was also District Commander in Surrey.
We talk:
·What do we mean by safeguarding and vicarious trauma.
·The impact vicarious trauma in individuals and teams.
·Richard lived experiences with vicarious trauma.
·Supporting others in teams with the impact of adversity and identifying signs of trauma early.
Find Richard
Website: https://www.defineleadership.co.uk/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/defineleadershipltd?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/richard-hamlin-18b079145
Email: richard.hamlin@defineleadership.co.uk
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